インス トール 順位 |
ソフト名 登録名/容量 |
ダウンロード |
1 |
intelinf_10.1.17695.8086_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184597.exe / 5,174,720 bytes |
2 |
TouchPad Driver
mouse_s_19.3.10.45_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184096.exe / 37,118,768 bytes |
3 |
Video Driver for Kabylake
video_23.20.16.5037_kbl-custom-inf_pv_64bit_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184620_d184737.exe / 361,981,928 bytes |
4 |
Rapid Storage Technology
rst_16.5.0.1027_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184598_d174936.exe / 18,946,816 bytes |
5 |
Intel Management Engine Software
me_1824.12.0.1140_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184600.exe / 105,548,992 bytes |
6 |
System Interface Device Driver - 0019
sidwa19_3.2.1200.0_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184202.exe / 325,200 bytes |
7 |
System Interface Device Drivers with UN - 0040
sid_5.1.1200.0_rs4_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184663.exe / 1,975,480 bytes |
8 |
pcinfo_v9.04l10_m00_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184583.exe / 18,750,872 bytes |
9 |
Processor Power Management (PPM) Package
ppm_6.52_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d174982.exe / 276,392 bytes |
10 |
System Interface Manager
sysifman_v20.03l19_m00_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184693.exe / 22,139,832 bytes |
11 |
HID Drivers for Panasonic PC
phid_5.1.1000.0_univ_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184240.exe / 627,096 bytes |
12 |
Ambient Light Sensor Driver
als_setting_v1.10l10m00_for_bm121mk1_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d124744.exe / 271,736 bytes |
13 |
Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework (Intel(R) DPTF), Client Version 8.X
dptf_8.4.11000.6436_kbl-r_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184723_d145325.exe / 8,660,176 bytes |
14 |
Sound Driver
sound_6.0.1.8492_64bit_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184667.exe / 26,154,536 bytes |
15 |
Realtek Audio Console
UWPアプリです。Microsoft Storeで公開しています。 |
16 |
LAN Driver for I219
lan_12.17.10.7_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184594_d184580.exe / 5,154,808 bytes |
17 |
WLAN Driver for Intel 9560/8265/8260
wlan_20.70.0.5-pv-sthwfw3287g-uwd-lets_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184725.exe / 92,029,376 bytes |
18 |
Bluetooth software for Intel 9560/8265/8260/7265/7260 (for win10)
bt_20.60.0.4-pv-ibtw4113-uwd-wsp_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184467.exe / 756,664 bytes |
19 |
BayHub SDカードドライバー
sd_o2_w_1.1.101.1024_uwd_rs4_waitwa_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184630.exe / 1,822,232 bytes |
20 |
Realtek Camera Driver
camera_re_10.0.16299.20025_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184102.exe / 12,163,376 bytes |
21 |
Thunderbolt3 Driver
tbt3_17.3.72.250_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184089.exe / 6,563,960 bytes |
22 |
WWAN Driver for EM7430
wwan_28_build4828_7.59.4828.0001_jp_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184633.exe / 270,316,976 bytes |
23 |
Panasonic PC設定ユーティリティ
UWPアプリです。Microsoft Storeで公開しています。 |
24 |
Panasonic PC Camera Utility
UWPアプリです。Microsoft Storeで公開しています。 |
25 |
Log Manager for Panasonic PC
lmppc_v3.00l12_m00_cflv7_2_win10-6_64_d184248.exe / 4,197,024 bytes |
26 |
パナソニックプロジェクター用アプリケーションソフトのページからダウンロードしてください。 |