インス トール 順位 |
ソフト名 登録名/容量 |
ダウンロード |
1 |
intelinf_10.1.1.44_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d174630.exe / 3,476,072 bytes |
2 |
タッチパッド ドライバー
mouse_s_19.3.10.23_rs2_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d174665.exe / 37,209,168 bytes |
3 |
ビデオ ドライバー
video_23.20.16.4849_kbl-custom-inf_pv_64bit_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175254_d174672_d174700.exe / 321,201,480 bytes |
4 |
Rapid Storage Technology
rst_15.7.0.1014_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d174631_d174936.exe / 16,162,032 bytes |
5 |
Intel Management Engine Software
me_11.8.50.3425_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175142.exe / 107,455,440 bytes |
6 |
System Interface Device Driver - 0019
sidwa19_3.1.1200.0_rs3_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175137.exe / 3,673,520 bytes |
7 |
System Interface Device Drivers with UN - 0040
sid_5.0.1200.0_rs3_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175135.exe / 1,804,000 bytes |
8 |
pcinfo_v9.02l10_m00_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175291.exe / 18,676,328 bytes |
9 |
Processor Power Management (PPM) Package
ppm_6.52_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d174982.exe / 276,576 bytes |
10 |
System Interface Manager
sysifman_v20.03l10_m00_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175276.exe / 21,770,160 bytes |
11 |
HID Drivers for Panasonic PC
phid_5.1.1000.0_rs3_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175138.exe / 2,468,912 bytes |
12 |
Ambient Light Sensor Driver
als_setting_v1.10l10m00_for_bm121mk1_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d124744.exe / 271,920 bytes |
13 |
Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework (Intel(R) DPTF), Client Version 8.X
dptf_8.3.10205.5196_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d174933_d145325.exe / 8,736,976 bytes |
14 |
サウンド ドライバー
sound_6.0.1.8269_64bit_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175033_d175325.exe / 177,506,712 bytes |
15 |
LAN ドライバー
lan_12.15.25.6_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d174655_d165332.exe / 20,053,520 bytes |
16 |
無線LAN ドライバー
wlan_20.10.2.0-pv-sthwfw2044g_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175172_d174968_d174969_d174366_d175289.exe / 272,557,512 bytes |
17 |
Bluetooth software for Intel (for win10)
bt_20.00-pv-sp-ibtw2443_20.0.0.14g_for_win10rs2_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175017.exe / 18,455,240 bytes |
18 |
BayHub SDカードドライバー
sd_o2_w_1.1.1.1018_rs2_waitwa_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175155.exe / 7,340,864 bytes |
19 |
IR Camera Driver
IR Camera搭載モデルのみ対象となります。
ircam_10.0.15063.11299_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175035.exe / 36,924,256 bytes |
20 |
Thunderbolt3 Driver
tbt3_17.2.71.250_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175080.exe / 7,897,080 bytes |
21 |
WWAN ドライバー
wwan_28_build4684_7.40.4684.0005_w_cfsv7_1_win10-5_64_d175245.exe / 332,563,024 bytes |
22 |
パナソニックプロジェクター用アプリケーションソフトのページからダウンロードしてください。 |