インス トール 順位 |
ソフト名 登録名/容量 |
ダウンロード |
1 |
intelinf_10.1.1.38_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165663.exe / 2,976,272 bytes |
2 |
Common Components for Panasonic PC
pcommon_v6.00l10_m00_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d154926.exe / 40,777,448 bytes |
3 |
Common Components for Panasonic PC (x64)
pcomn64_v6.00l10_m00_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d154927.exe / 42,916,272 bytes |
4 |
フラットパッド ドライバー
mouse_usb_19.3.10.23_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165909.exe / 73,133,904 bytes |
5 |
ビデオ ドライバー
[2017/07/31] アップデートプログラムを公開 |
6 |
Rapid Storage Technology
rst_15.2.0.1020_pv_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165565_d155040.exe / 13,373,168 bytes |
7 |
Intel Management Engine Software
me_11.6.1.1142_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165844.exe / 107,777,880 bytes |
8 |
System Interface Device Drivers with UN
sid_3.0.1000.200_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165824.exe / 4,552,976 bytes |
9 |
pcinfo_v8.20l10_m00_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174280_d124049..exe / 2,955,736 bytes |
10 |
Processor Power Management (PPM) Package
ppm_3.1_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165411.exe / 276,224 bytes |
11 |
Intel シリアル IO ドライバー
sio_30.100.1633.03_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165533.exe / 2,701,648 bytes |
12 |
System Interface Manager
sysifman_v18.01l12_m01_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174388.exe / 10,004,136 bytes |
13 |
HID Drivers for Panasonic PC
phid_4.0.1000.0_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165676.exe / 2,393,800 bytes |
14 |
Intel Integrated Sensor Solution 3.0
iss3_3.1.0.3359_rs1_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165495.exe / 18,585,256 bytes |
15 |
Ambient Light Sensor Driver
als_setting_v1.10l10m00_for_bm121mk1_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d124744.exe / 271,936 bytes |
16 |
Virtual Buttons Driver (VBD)
vbd_1.1.0.21_pv_for_win10rs1_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165668.exe / 1,414,608 bytes |
17 |
Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework (Intel(R) DPTF), Client Version 8.X
dptf_8.2.11000.2996_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165527_d145325.exe / 14,983,568 bytes |
18 |
サウンド ドライバー
sound_6.0.1.7926_64bit_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165474.exe / 198,555,984 bytes |
19 |
LAN ドライバー
lan_12.15.23.7_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165661_d165332.exe / 109,702,488 bytes |
20 |
無線LAN ドライバー
wlan_19.40.0.0-pv-sthwfw0884g_for_no_applet_link_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174227_d174002_d174003_d174366.exe / 328,879,584 bytes |
21 |
Bluetooth software for Intel (for win10)
bt_19.40-pv-sp-ibtw1091_19.40.1702.1091g_for_win10rs1_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174080.exe / 17,792,992 bytes |
22 |
USB接続用SD ドライバー
sd_re_usb_10.0.14393.31234_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174205.exe / 17,078,528 bytes |
23 |
IPU3 Driver for Kabylake
ipu3_30.14393.9681.3190_30.14393.3064.1_2016.1110.1448_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165880.exe / 53,602,200 bytes |
24 |
IR Camera Driver
ircam_10.0.14393.11253_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174140.exe / 19,350,488 bytes |
25 |
WWAN ドライバー
wwan_28_build4624_7.33.4624.0003_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165887.exe / 267,749,704 bytes |
26 |
wtoolbox_v5.00l14_m00_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174369.exe / 6,470,352 bytes |
27 |
nselectl_v1.20l14_m00_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174370.exe / 9,120,912 bytes |
28 |
パナソニック PC設定ユーティリティ
pdboard_v5.00l15_m00_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d174198.exe / 78,690,144 bytes |
29 |
writing2_v1.01l10_m01_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165904.exe / 2,330,480 bytes |
30 |
scrshast_v1.02l10_m00_cfxz6_2_win10-3_64_d165825.exe / 1,625,480 bytes |
31 |
パナソニックプロジェクター用アプリケーションソフトのページからダウンロードしてください。 |